A Stocking Study: Spinning Cotton for Knitting

Devin found that handspun cotton yarn resulted in more elasticity and memory than commercial cotton yarns. How would this yarn work for socks, especially for someone who is used to knitting wool socks?

The Louet s10 Spinning Wheel Is 50 Years Young

After decades inventing and innovating spinning and weaving equipment, Jan Louët says that his favorite is the one he hasn’t released yet.

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Inkle Inspiration: Explore Color, Fiber, Twist, Tubes, and More

Handspinner Jeannine Glaves discusses the different ways she spins natural fibers for warp-faced band weaving.

Threads of Heritage: Understanding the Ceremonial Dhoti

An antique textile found close to home sends Chitra searching for silk in South India.

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Long Thread Podcast: Nanne Kennedy, Polwarth Shepherd & Seawater Dyer

Season 10, Episode 5: From importing a new breed of sheep to developing her own dye method to developing local products, shepherd Nanne Kennedy cultivates a uniquely Maine farm and flock.

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The Spinner’s Guide to Chain-Plying

Manage sharp color transitions and ply every inch of singles yarn with this versatile plying method.

Roving Reporter: A Predrafting Alternative for Spinning Fiber

Some spinners swear by predrafting spinning fiber. Kate experimented with a hybrid method to loosen the fibers without actual drafting. How did it work out?

Your Finished Object: Manx Loaghtan Buttonbox Vest

See how one knitter used fiber from the unique breed known as Manx Loaghtan, spun entirely on a cross-arm spindle, for a beautiful vest of squishy fabric with great stitch definition.

Blending Colors at the Wheel

See Amy Tyler’s method of creating blended yarns by pre-drafting more than one color of roving together to produce interesting color variations.

Spindle Hook Alignment

Does your spindle seem out of balance? It might be your hook. Follow these simple steps for wobble-free spinning.

Sock Fiber Roundup: Fibers + Patterns!

There are many fibers and blends that are great for socks, and pairing fiber and sock type can help your socks last.

The Spinners of Timloukine

Meet the artisans behind the handspun rugs and socks in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco

Global Spindles You Should Know About

We love learning about spindles and their makers around the world. Read about a few of our favorites here!

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Spin Off Skill Guide: Supported Spindles

Learn several ways to add a leader, manage fibers, and ply off your spindles with this go-to guide.

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